An English Learner's Diary


Day 3: Nihongo Muzukashii

This is the 3rd day of my 100 days challenge.

I went to an event for English learners and Japanese learners held by my English school and a Japanese school. In this event, we had first "Japanese time" where we had to speak in Japanese and next "English time". There were about 50 people (about 30 Japanese, 20 English speakers) and had a nice time for English training and make friends with. I was curious why foreign people came to Japan, and I got various answers today. There was no answer "Because I love Anime" this time. Someone came Japan for her Japanese husband, someone applied working holiday, someone has joined a company in his country and was transferred to Japan, and off course, there were several people who work for language education in Japan (professional English teachers, a master's in linguistics).

I am very disappointed myself when native speakers switch the mode "native mode" then I can't understand the story at all. And today I saw the same feelings on Japanese leaners' faces saying like "I can't catch any word from you if you talk so fast and small voices." Talking easy to understand is difficult some times.

When we were getting home, I described my classmate as "she is cute". And another one said so as well, then I said to the others. "He said she is cute". Then 2 English speakers pointed out that is not correct. They said "He said she was cute." is correct, because, when I report his words, they should be changed to past form. Oh, I've learned it at school before. I got it, but it's a bit strange for me, because she "is cute" still now.

I hope we have a chance to get together again and talk and have fun.