An English Learner's Diary


describe about music

I think my taste in music is... different from others/ pops and rocks/ changing../not changing / has changed a lot. I didn't like anything in the pop charts that was very main stream I really looked down those things Nowadays though I'm not that bothered I listen to exactly the kind of music that I would have hated when I was younger I'll pretty much listen to anything with a beat

A song that I particularly like is .... The song by _____ is absolutely fabulous/ is really melodious/ is a very catchy tune I listen to the kind of music ...I would hate before / mindless RnB or Pop

I'd taken up a musical instrument. I'd love to be able to play the guitar.

I 'm a bit tone deaf so I found it hard

I'm really into live music

I prefer a live performance than a record version.

ABBA is the pop group whose song was a massive hit in 80s

One Direction has a huge following

I like sing along to the song/ CD's /the radio

He is out of tune

I'd like to be able to play the piano by ear.

children should read music

IELTS 10th of December 2016 JP500

I took IELTS again and here are topics of questions on that day.

Listening test

Test 1. tour guide (American accent)

  • A woman is explaining about facilities and options of a variety of park tours to a man over the phone. Fill in the gaps of a table with you listen.

Test 2. fitness club floor map

  • Choose right alphabets for the certain rooms and places in a map. (There were 10 options for 6 questions.)

  • Which equipment and class is effective for a certain purpose? (There were 6 options for 4 questions.)

Test 3. talking about reference books

  • Fill the gaps of a reference book list as you listen the conversation between an assistant and a professor.

Test 4. lecture of designing website for student learning

  • A woman gives a lecture about her study of building a website for assist learning. Chose correct options and fill some gaps of a summary.

Reading test

Passage 1.

A passage about a series of arguments of a new found drawing allegedly drew by Da Vinci.

Passage 2.

What is the merit of first coming? ; siblings study

Passage 3.

How coincidence and mishap related to business successes?

Writing test

Task 1

A line graph shows the change of birth rate in the UK in 6 different age groups between 1970 and 2008.

Task 2

People are traveling other countries more frequently. Is this the case? And do you think it is positive or negative development?

Speaking test

Part 1

  • Do you work or study?
  • What makes you choose your job?
  • Let's talk about advertisement. etc...

Part 2

Describe about a leader you admire.

  • Do you want to be a leader?

Part 3

  • What is the crucial factors (qualities) to be a great leader.
  • Is it possible to learn things to be a leader in school?
  • How important to have a good leader in society? etc....

About Fat

I am reading "The diet myth" by Tim Spector which is the book on newest studies about healthy diet. On chapter 3, he mentions about fat (lipids), cholesterol, and various types of fats traditionally considered good or bad is now being changed their effect on our health.

For example, omega 3 fats have been known as essential fatty acids, derive from wild fish and from some plants(like flaxseed). They have been promoted as good for your heart in reducing lipids and inflammation, including dementia, ADS and arthritis. Confusingly, omega 6 which is very similar fat to omega 3 found in nuts, vegetable oils, fatty meat and farmed fish fed with corn and soy, but they have bad reputation about increasing heart diseases. But the believe of taking high level of omega 3 rather than omega 6 is based on very weak evidences. In fact in a large multi-country study shows omega 6 were more beneficial for heart than omega 3.

Refer to olive oils, canola oils, these are typical Monounsaturated fats are predominantly beneficial and have variable evidence. Saturated fats are traditionally villains, but a subgroup of saturated fats which comes from coconuts oil and palm oil is hugely promoted in market, however there is a lack of good evidence against or for them. The main reason of uncertainty is because it is unclear whether medium-chain triglycerides, which is the particular type of fat is beneficial or harmful. Needless to say, trans fats are worst kind.

Usually we see the amount of fats or cholesterol on the top of the labels of foods, but he alarms highlighting its content is crazy as proportionally there are 3 times much cholesterols in nutritious "healthy" foods like lobster, crab or fish oil as in "unhealthy" pork, lard or beef. 80 per cent of cholesterols in blood are synthesized inside body so levels of cholesterols in what we eat almost don't matter to the level of cholesterols. What is more, cholesterol is the making cell wall as well as the key of many vitamins and important hormones. Simply to say "Fat is deadly' is spread wrongly, and our diets changed for the worse.

As I am a Japanese lives in the longest life-time age country in the world, the belief about eating fish and absorbing much more omega 3 intake being good for your health was quite convincing. Surprisingly, there weren't enough evidences until now.

note: compliment

To compliment or to express how the person is good. (Or describe how performance was.)

He is nice! --- so so He is good. ---- mean good. He is very nice person --- better He is the nicest person. --- much more better

We also use is for expression the place like

It is a nice restaurant.

memo: Describe about a cold

  • I have a stuffy nose.
  • I have a running nose.
  • I need to keep sniffling.

  • I have a fever.

  • I have a slight fever.

  • I am not well.

  • I catch a cold.

  • I always have a sore throat when I catch cold.

  • I have a pain on swallowing.

  • I am coughing at night.

  • I have a night-time cough.

I want to get better as quick as I can.